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GENTLE, smiling therapists help me off the hard and slippery wooden table, bathing me like a baby, with lukewarm water and powdered green gram, wiping me down with a rough, thin cotton towel. Then, they apply rasnadichoornam on the crown of my head and wave it under my nose, to prevent me catching cold, also smearing chandan and kumkum on my forehead and throat. After measuring my blood pressure, they send me back to my room, where a tiny, double-bottomed steel cup of warm green gram soup awaits me.
I had a dream of a place on this earth and from this earth, a place where I could just rest awhile, find myself, and perhaps a glimpse of my purpose on this earth. Where I could just be. READ MORE
Tamil Nadu, India,Around me is a beautiful forest of neem, pomegranate, hibiscus, coconut, bamboo, all kinds of ficus and so many other indigenous trees of this part of India. The soil is moist and red, the birds are of all sizes and of so many colors. Ten years ago, this land was bare, there was no tree, there was no bird. Until a group of five Ayurvedic doctors decided to create a clinic and a template of READ THE FULL BLOG
Tamil Nadu, India,Around me is a beautiful forest of neem, pomegranate, hibiscus, coconut, bamboo, all kinds of ficus and so many other indigenous trees of this part of India. The soil is moist and red, the birds are of all sizes and of so many colors. Ten years ago, this land was bare, there was no tree, there was no bird. Until a group of five Ayurvedic doctors decided to create a clinic and a template of healing through and with nature. READ THE FULL BLOG